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 RIGHTS                                                    ESCAPE


  1. Ask for a date;
  2. Refuse a date, by anyone, without feeling guilty;
  3. Express my own feelings and be heard;
  4. Trust myself above all others;
  5. Maintain high self-esteem;
  6. Be me, even if it is different from the �norm�, or from what you want me to be;
  7. Healthy, equal dating relationships;
  8. Not be abused physically, sexually, or emotionally;
  9. Say no to physical closeness;
  10. Stop doing something, even in the middle of it;
  11. Disagree with my date;
  12. Pay my own way and use my own transportation on a date;
  13. Know who I am;
  14. Know who I am dating;
  15. Leave any dating relationship my instincts tell me to;
  16. Receive decent treatment by anyone I date;
  17. Be respected as a person;
  18. Have my limits and values respected;
  19. Tell someone not to interrupt me;
  20. Refuse to lend money;
  21. Have friends, including those of the opposite sex;
  22. Emotional and physical space aside from my date; and
  23. Control my own destiny.     

 RESPONSIBILITIES                                                                                                     ESCAPE

  1. To determine my limits and values; 
  2. To respect my boyvriend's or girlfriend's limits, values, feelings, and beliefs; 
  3. To refuse to abuse - physically, sexually, or emotionally; 
  4. To be considerate; 
  5. To communicate clearly and honestly; 
  6. To give my boyfriend or girlfriend space to be his or her own person; 
  7. To not exert power or control in the relationship; 
  8. To compromise when needed; 
  9. To admit to being wrong when appropriate; 
  10. To ask for help from friends, family, and other trusted adults.

Dating rights information is adapted from the Working Together Curriculum; Advocates for Youth website: www.advocatesforyouth.org ; and Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence website: www.adadv.org. Please visit these sites for further information. 

Dating responsibilities information is adapted from Choose Respect at http://www.chooserespect.org/scripts/teens/rights.asp



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